Located near Mille Lacs Lake

The District I Community Aquatic & Fitness Center’s Commitment to Health, Safety, Sanitation, and You.

The District I Community Aquatic & Fitness Center has been monitoring and will continually closely monitor the industry and government, both Tribal and State, guidelines as they relate to COVID-19. This includes information provided by the Mille Lacs Band of Ojibwe, MLBO Health & Human Services (MLBO HHS), Centers for Disease Control (CDC), World Health Organization (WHO), Indian Health Services (IHS), and the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH). In this document, you will find guidelines created to ensure the health, safety, and sanitation guidelines for our employees, guests, members, and communities.

Covid Policies

  • Temperatures and health screening will be taken upon arrival.

  • Masks are required at all times.

  • No room rental or sauna use at this time.

  • Fitness Area is limited to a maximum of 20 people at a time.

  • Gymnasium is limited to a maximum of 20 people at a time.

  • Members only. New membership agreement made at time of subscription.

Employee, Guest, and Member Health



When both employees and guests arrive on property, they will be asked health screening questions for COVID-19. If the screening produces a result of 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit or higher, both guests and employees will be given a secondary screening of a temperature check. If both screenings are failed, the person will be asked to leave and consult with their medical doctor. Those who refuse to answer the health screening questions, both employees and guests, will be asked to leave the premises. 

Social Distancing and Personal Protective Equipment

Social distancing will be required and practiced while on the District I Aquatic & Fitness Center’s property. A minimum safe distance of six feet will be practiced. This may require that some machines will be closed due to violation of the minimum safe distance. All guests and employees will be required to wear a mask or face covering appropriately at all times, as approved by the CDC.

Hand Sanitizer

Hand sanitizer will be provided in communal locations to provide an extra level of protection to help fight COVID-19. Spray bottles with disinfectant solution and disinfecting wipes will be provided in numerous locations throughout the property. Hand sanitizer does not replace washing your hands. Please be sure when washing your hands you are using warm water and soap, scrubbing for 20 seconds, and appropriately drying your hands.



Signage will be placed in locations throughout the interior and exterior of the property to explain policies that are required to be followed in order to enter and be present in the District I Aquatic & Fitness Center. Signage will explain all of the social distancing and capacity guidelines. Signage will provide marker distancing tape and/or social distancing floor indicators to demonstrate distancing measures. Signage will also help ensure a one-way flow of traffic for equipment circuits, tracks, and entrance to the facility.

Front Desk

Plexiglass may be installed at front-desk workstations, windows, counters, etc. Touchless forms of payment are accepted.


Any MLB employee that has traveled out of state (WI is an exception) to a location known as a hot spot will be required to quarantine for a period of no less than 10 days after the return from the trip. If a guest or member has traveled out of state, please reference the cdc.gov website to find any travel restrictions and requirements when returning to Minnesota or your home state. Any guest or member that has traveled to any of the known hot spot locations is not granted access until 10 days have passed since their return and they are not exhibiting any of the known symptoms of COVID-19.

Employee, Guest, and Member Health Concerns


All employees, guests, and members that show signs of COVID-19 symptoms will be asked to not enter the facility or to vacate the property and visit their primary doctor for personal health. Any employee that does not pass the health screening will be sent home and advised to seek their primary doctor and follow all guidelines set forth for MLB employees for personal health.

During business hours of 8:00am - 5:00pm M-F, only low-risk members will be allowed in the gym. All members will need to sign a waiver saying that they understand the risks of COVID-19 in the fitness facility and are entering the fitness facility at their own risk.

Facility must ensure social distancing and ensure occupant capacity is no more than 50%. The saunas will not be allowed for use. The locker rooms and showers will be allowed for use as long as proper social distancing and proper sanitizing can be practiced. Gymnasium will be allowed to be open as long as proper distancing can be practiced. All common areas and lobby will be allowed for use as long as proper social distancing can be practiced.

If any employees, guests, or members cannot follow the above listed protocols, they will be asked to vacate the premises. The MLBO HHS COVID-19 Hotline number (320-630-0855) will then have to be contacted.


Employee Responsibilities


Worker Hygiene and Source Controls

All workers will need to have a health screening and temperature check before starting their shift as outlined by the Mille Lacs Band of Ojibwe HHS, Human Resources, and Safety and Risk, Minnesota Department of Health, and CDC. If an employee has COVID-19 symptoms, the employee will be sent home immediately and be required to call the MLBO HHS COVID-19 Hotline immediately at 320-630-0855.

All workers are required to wash their hands on a regular basis as explained by the CDC guidelines. 

Employees must have proper hand sanitizer solutions available and stocked. 

All multi-stall restrooms will require trash receptacles near the door for paper towel disposal when operating the door. 

Community drinking fountains that are not touch-free will be off limits and shut off. Employees, guests, and members will be allowed to use the touchless water-filling station if they provide their own disinfected water bottle. 

Food will not be allowed to be served or shared in a communal sense. 

Proper tissues will be provided for proper sneeze/cough etiquette, and no-touch disposal bins will be provided.

HVAC and Air Filter Cleaning

Facility must increase the outdoor air percentage to increase the dilution of contaminants and eliminate recirculating air as much as possible. The District I Aquatic & Fitness Center will evaluate the occupational capacity and increase, improve, and maintain ventilation provided throughout the building. Air filters will need to be replaced, upgraded, and maintained to ensure proper ventilation. Minimize airflow from blowing across people. Old filters must be individually put into separate bags while disposing.


COVID-19 Training

All employees will be trained regarding COVID-19 exposure, as well as applicable policies, procedures, practices, and protocols. The facility will have a COVID-19 Business Preparedness Plan, “The District I Community Aquatic & Fitness Center’s Commitment to Health, Safety, Sanitation, and You,” in readily accessible locations and shared with all employees. Employees must ensure they comply with and follow established rules and practices. 

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

Employees will be required to have all proper and required PPE when working, including but not limited to: face coverings, gloves, hand sanitizer, and proper disinfectant solutions. All employees will need to change gloves when necessary. Employees must also ensure guests, members, and other employees are using proper PPE when within the facility.


Employee Communication and Reporting

The facility will need to ensure that the necessary or required rules and practices are communicated to employees, and adequately enforce their provisions. Employees must ensure they comply with and follow established rules and practices. Communication to educate guests, members, and other employees about steps being taken for their protection to mitigate the spread of COVID-19 is encouraged. Protective measures will need to be communicated to the guests, members, and employees prior to admittance to the facility. When guests, members, or employees have COVID-19 symptoms, it must be reported and documented. This is to ensure the safety of guests, members, and employees from contracting COVID-19 when an individual is allowed back to the facility.

Any employees, guests, or members who witness unsafe behavior may report such behavior immediately to any District I Community Aquatic & Fitness Center Staff.

Cleaning Products and Procedures

The District I Community Aquatic & Fitness Center currently has a partnership with Ecolab, and the primary cleaning solution will be QC Peroxide Multi Surface Cleaner and Disinfectant (labeled as Yellow), which is a proven disinfectant for the COVID-19 virus. The District I Community Aquatic & Fitness Center also has a partnership with wipes.com and will have numerous stations for cleaning wipes, which is a proven disinfectant of the COVID-19 virus. 


Public Spaces and Communal Areas

Facility must routinely clean and disinfect all high-touchpoint surfaces with proper cleaning solution. The area will need to have a proper cleaning schedule and routine. Area(s) must be properly cleaned and sanitized as much as possible due to volume of traffic that may be in this area. All cleaning solutions and sanitizers used must be able to disinfect any communicable disease.

Fitness Areas

Fitness area will need to be cleaned and sanitized as used, and once every four hours. A proper schedule and routine will be established to properly clean and sanitize all equipment in this area. Proper cleaning solution will be available to ensure cleaning and sanitation will be used as much as possible. All cleaning solutions and sanitizers used are proven to disinfect COVID-19 and other communicable viruses and bacteria. 


Meeting and Class Rooms

The meeting and class rooms will be cleaned on a regular schedule. Any time these areas will be used, the area must be properly cleaned and sanitized before and after occupants are in this area. Proper cleaning solution will be available in order to disinfect as much as possible. All cleaning solutions and sanitizers used must be able to disinfect any communicable disease. Rental rooms and events are currently not available at this time.


All offices must have a proper cleaning schedule and routine. All areas must be cleaned and sanitized whenever used by employees, guests, or members. All cleaning solutions and sanitizers used must be able to disinfect any communicable disease.


Shared Equipment

All shared equipment must have a proper cleaning and sanitation schedule. All cleaning solutions and sanitizers used must be able to disinfect any communicable disease. It is the member’s responsibility to properly sanitize all equipment being used before and after use. It is also the member’s responsibility to ensure the weights are properly sanitized before placing them on the rack or where the weights are supposed to go.

Physical and Social Distancing


Fitness Center

The facility will need to ensure proper physical distancing is used when employees, guests, and members are using the Fitness Center. If need be, machines will need to be temporarily closed due to not having proper physical distancing. Proper distancing markers will be placed to help provide proper distancing. Walking track and entrance to fitness area will need to establish a direct one-way flow of traffic. The maximum occupancy of the Fitness Center will be 20 people. The maximum occupancy of the Boxing Area is 10 people. The maximum occupancy of the Gymnasium is 20 people.

Fitness Rooms

The facility will need to ensure proper physical distancing is used when employees, guests, and members are using the Fitness Rooms. Classes may be held in these areas as long as proper physical distancing can be practiced. The maximum occupancy of the Fitness/Flex Rooms will be 10 people. The maximum occupancy of the Golf Simulator is 2.

Communal Spaces

The facility will need to ensure proper physical distancing is used when employees, guests, and members are using any communal spaces. If anyone in a communal space cannot follow safety protocols or procedure, they may be removed/relocated to ensure proper distancing. The maximum occupancy of the Community Room will be 10 people, and the maximum occupancy of the kitchen area will be 2.


Meeting Rooms

The facility will need to ensure proper physical distancing is used when employees, guests, and members are using the meeting rooms. Proper distancing will be required and a seating pattern will be established to ensure proper distancing. If occupancy does not allow for proper distancing, then meeting rooms will not be allowed for use. The maximum occupancy of the conference room will be 10 people.


The facility will need to ensure proper physical distancing is used when employees, guests, and members are using the offices. Proper distancing will be required and a seating pattern will be established to ensure proper distancing. If occupancy does not allow for proper distancing, then offices will not be allowed for use by multiple occupants. The maximum occupancy of the Youth Room will be 10 people. 

Presumptive & Confirmed Case Reporting

As outlined by the Mille Lacs Band of Ojibwe HHS, Minnesota Department of Health (MDH), and the CDC, and as outlined on the COVID-19 Case Report form on the CDC website, all communication and documentation must be provided to all proper areas. To find information of the form that needs to be completed by the CDC, go to cdc.gov. If you or a member you know of are experiencing any symptoms associated with COVID-19, do not enter the District I Community Aquatic & Fitness Center property — It is recommended that you self-quarantine and contact your primary physician immediately.

All MLB employees reporting symptoms, exposure to someone with symptoms, or exposure to someone with a confirmed case of COVID-19 are required to contact Mille Lacs Band of Ojibwe Health and Human Services at 320-630-0855.